SVRA Greens Committee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 19th, 2011 (2:00 pm Silo)
- Call the meeting to order:
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 pm. Those in attendance were: Kathleen McKinley, Mike Blackman, Scott Johnson, Robie Robinson, Kirk Sessions, Kurt Richmond, Bob Lujan, Randy King, Jim Chumley, Vern Madsen, George Toolson, Korry Wheeler and Gary Braun.
- Welcome back and course schedule weather permitting
Course to be opened based on weather conditions.
- Golf Committee Highlights
Reviewed golf committee highlights
- Greens Report from Superintendent:
Old Business:
Review last year’s open Greens Committee actions and discuss 2011 goals and projects. See list below..
Large Number of major projects already started
- Clean up 27 holes of debris and vole damage with new Versa Vac, 2 holes a day divided by 27 equals roughly 17 day of work before course is free of debris
- Berms- #1,2,7,DR
- Cart Paths to finish- 8CC left side, 18CC tee right side reseed raise sod at exit, 1 AH tee topsoil level sod or seed, 9 AH green to club house need topsoil and level
- New Tees- #8 AH needs sod laid, completion date in the next month, this will be a volunteer project. #2 AH tee need shaped out and sod laid. With the new road from 1 green to the tree farm #2 tee will be done later in the summer
- Trees- fertilizing and watering are in progress and the straitening of the transplanted trees will be done. Mavy will be hired this year to spray trees; however the new spray equipment has a hose and reel to spray trees in the future so we can keep it in house. I will work on a program this winter
Vole underground extermination
- Open to suggestions-poison, juicy fruit gum, versa vac, other products?
Dyers Woad removal in future year
- New Toro spray equipment has hose and reel to spray around irrigation ditches and rough areas ie. Left side of 15 and 16 CC
- Manual removal (Volunteers)
Tee Box Signs
- Stone, Refurbish old signs, Metal signs with yardage and hole numbers
Greens Equipment/Leasing
- We are done leasing. Purchase of new Toro equipment complete. Next winter I will be putting a repurchase program on a 12 year rotation. Example; greens mowers will be sold and 3 more will be purchased at the end of 5 years, fairway mowers will be sold and 2 more will be purchased at the end of 7 years workmans will be sold and 2 more will be purchased at the end of 10 years. This program will be set up for every piece of equipment in the shop, so when the Association goes to purchase there will be a minimal amount of money going out to keep up with technology.
Beautification responsibilities
- Jazz is my lead person on beautification. Jazz is working on a schedule for volunteers this will be addressed once course is open.
Toro Sprinkler software fine tuning (Kurt)
- Training Dave Jager on the site pro computer, he has picked it up quite well, still has allot to learn
- Fine tuning of irrigation heads on golf course
- New software plat form (lynks System) for site pro. Winter of 2011
Cart Path upgrades
- I recommend #1 green and #2 Tee at Cedar Creek, Aspen Hill #7 green to # 8 Tee
Re-evaluation of Greens equipment
- I have no reservations on saying the Toro equipment purchase of 2011 is a perfect fit for the condition at SVRA.
Pond Liner extra left over from hole #18
- Yes, I will look for a fusion gun to add on
- Other option use bentinite, have local source in Freedom (Derk Issac) waiting on price delivered. Pricing will be used to come up with a plan for the ponds on # 13 and #16
Irrigation system maintenance-upgrades-cyclical replacement program, critical spare parts program, piping, valves, controls, filters
- New Irrigation room in Cedar Creek Cart Barn
- New Storage area has 50 compartment for irrigation fittings, this will help me keep inventory
- I have already started my replacement program for irrigation heads from 730 S to 835S adjustable arch
- PRV Pressure Reducing valves ongoing maintenance and replacement of parts that were striped or never installed.
- Program need to be instated for the irrigation pipe line up green canyon. (Weakest Link of the irrigation system)
Equipment – vehicle lock box
- Have a lock box in the shop, keys stay in equipment, spares go in lock box.
Employee training/documentation
- Each piece of new equipment has a training DVD each person must watch DVD before operation; I will be doing additional training out on the course. Employees have to sign off on completion of training on each piece of equipment. Still working on spread sheet.
Chemical inventory and controls
- Inventory of chemicals is not done, but all chemicals that are for golf course use are in one location in the shop.
- Containment vessel for storage of chemical?
- Log for documentation of what was sprayed on to golf course is complete with a separate log of the Lables and MSDS
Weekend-Holiday and back shift emergency contacts/support
- I have 3 lead employees, Blair, Jazz and Dave along with myself we will be on a rotation for weekends and holidays. Phone # and name will be available next meeting
Gas and Diesel Pump controls, backshifts?
Projects that were completed this winter
- Cedar Creek Cart Barn- This was a major project this winter. All trash was removed from barn 3 dumpsters and 1 load to the dump, all of Ernies facilities parts and pieces were brought to his shop, new shelves were built to facilitate organization, new charger holders were constructed to hold the new EZ-Go chargers. CC cart barn will supply all EZ-GO carts. CC cart barn will also be storage for some of the golf course maintenance equipment.
- The new irrigation room inside the CC cart barn was reconstructed to facilitate irrigation storage, common area and beautification storage and golf course accessory storage. Still needs some work, will make a nice space when finished.
- Aspen Hills Cart Barn was cleaned of all trash floors power washed and concrete seal. New charger holders were constructed for new EZ-GO carts and old charger holders were moved for the remaining Yahama’s we currently lease. Electrical issues have been addressed and are in good working order.
- New sand box was constructed and is ready to be put to use. The only thing I need to do is put handles on the doors.
- Golf Maintenance shop has been cleaned and better organized to help facilitate flow of operation and storage of new equipment (Blair)
- Most of old golf course equipment has been gone thru and fixed (Blair)
- All ball washers were taken apart and paint striped, repainted new parts installed and almost completed. One more week for completion.(Jazz,Dave)
- Purchase of Toro Equipment
- Built a new desk, so my irrigation tech has a place to operate site pro computer
- Equipment inventory spreadsheet and up to date
- Grooming of snowshoe and cross country trails
- Snow Removal
Coming out of winter
Greens came thru winter in excellent condition, at any given time we had 5 to 6 feet of snow on the greens. Black sand was applied at 150 to 200 lbs of sand per green starting in March. End of April the greens started to show and an application of Fungicide IX was applied to prevent pink snow mold thru the wet spring. Vole damage was about the same as last year, but the cleanup has already begun with our new Versa Vac. This machine verticuts, sweeps and vacuum all in one pass with one operator. Greens have been mowed 3 times and collars might have a different look on some greens. I have incorporated a double collar on some of the greens that have extreme slopes #13 for example to help hold the ball closer to the green.
New Business:
- Driving Range:
– Options of a possible new location for the tee box at the driving range was discussed. A new location would give us more distance which would eliminate many of the golf balls that would now threaten houses along the range.
- Proposed Cart Paths for 2011:
– This item has been tables until further information can be obtained.
- A bentonite vein was found near Bedford. We are looking toward the possibility of using it in our golf course water projects.
- They are currently digging out the pond near #17 tee box in preparation for high runoff.
- Scott Johnson is currently pursuing a deal that would hopefully produce grass seed for the Ranch. The mix that is desired is 75% rye and 25% blue grass.
- Berms will be finished and planted with fescue
- Assistance Need s/Work Groups Mens Group President and Greens superintendent will meet and discuss future projects.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Korry Wheeler, Golf Committee member, June 9, 2011