Barn/Silo Questions & Answers
The following Q & A will address many of the questions our members might have. If we have missed any, please let us know.
Q: Why do we need a new building?
A: We have a changing demographic with more year-round residents in our community. The Vision of the SVRA is “to provide and promote well-maintained facilities and affordable recreational and social opportunities for its community”. Our current facilities continue to deteriorate and are primarily designed for summer use. We currently cannot use the upper floors of the Silo due to safety concerns. Our Barn and the Aspen Hills office building leak and are in need of major repair. Costs to renovate, if we delay, will only continue to escalate.
Q: Why can’t we just fix up what we currently have? What would be the cost to renovate?
A: Estimated costs to renovate the Barn, Silo and Aspen Hills Office Building, are reflected in the prior 2009 Sargent report and 2010 Myers/Anderson Main Street Assessment. Additional options and associated costs were identified through the efforts of the Community Center Committee working with Myers/Anderson. The conclusions of each of these efforts are outlined below. Any renovation would require us to bring the buildings up to current code.
- The 10-15-09 Sargent Report titled Building Assessment, Office Building, Barn Building, Silo Building, looked at what was needed to bring the SVRA buildings up to current code requirements:
- The A-Frame Structural and Architectural needs – $396,500
- The Barn Structural and Architectural needs – $457,000
- The Silo Structural and Architectural needs – $581,000
- Total needs – $1,434,500. These cost estimates are only to bring structures up to code. They do not include upgrading for year-round use or incorporating the SVRA offices into the structures.
- The 9-30-10 Myers & Anderson Main Street Assessment titled Star Valley Ranch: Gambrel Barn and Silo Renovation looked at bringing the barn and silo up to code, upgrading the buildings for year round use and incorporated the SVRA offices into the structure:
- The estimated cost for the renovations and improvements was $2,457,229
- Through the subsequent work of the Community Center Committee, working with Myers/Anderson, additional options were identified based upon the prioritized needs of the community, and the following results were presented:
- Construct a new 22,573 sq. ft. building – $3.8 million ($169 sq. ft.)
- Remodel barn and silo to 23,007 sq. ft. – $2.4 million ($106 sq. ft.)
- Remodel barn and build new silo, 22,573 sq. ft. – $2.9 million ($129 sq. ft.)
- Remodel silo and build new barn, 23,007 sq. ft. – $3.3 million ($145 sq. ft.)
Q: What will happen to the old buildings (barn, silo, and offices)?
A: The buildings will be taken down; the barn/silo first and the office later. The Aspen Hills pro shop for golf and tennis will be moved into the east end of the Cook Shack and the lot used for improved access and parking.
Q: How much will it cost to tear them down?
A: We have budgeted $50,000 for their removal. The final amount will be based on competitive bids. We are looking into off setting some of the cost by selling salvaged materials.
Q: Why can’t we just rent office space?
A: Our needs are more than just office space. We need a pro shop, bar, grill and multipurpose meeting space.
Q: If the Town is building an office and meeting hall, why do we need one?
A: The Town’s needs and the Association’s needs are not the same. For example, we could not have a bar or grill in the Town building that will work in conjunction with our golf business.
Q: Why can’t we just turn everything over to the Town?
A: The Town has expressed no interest in acquiring the Association properties or facilities. Their mission is to “enhance our culinary water system, improve roads, and public safety”. The role of the Association is to “promote well maintained facilities and recreational and social opportunities”. Transfer of properties would also require 2/3rds member approval.
Q: Can the Board of Directors borrow funds or mortgage property without member approval?
A: Article VIII, Section 1 (d) of the Association Bylaws, grants the Board of Directors authority to “borrow money and incur indebtedness” for the purposes of the Association.
Q: How will we make the payments? Will our annual assessment go up?
A: Payments will be made from current lot assessments (the Barn/Silo Allocation). Annual assessments are governed by the DCC&Rs and increases to the maximum based on the CPI. Annual Assessment amounts are set annually by the Board based upon the Association’s operating and capital needs and may be impacted by other capital expenditure needs or operating expenses.
Q: How much of my assessment will go towards this building?
A: Currently forty dollars ($40) per lot.
Q: Will borrowing money preclude us from doing other projects?
A: Borrowing will not preclude us from other projects. However, in order to plan for additional capital projects, an additional annual allocation to capital may be needed.
Q: Will this new building be used year-round?
A: It will be designed for year-round use.
Q: How much more will it cost to heat? Will overall costs to maintain go up?
A: Heating one building should ultimately be less expensive than heating three poorly insulated buildings with a lack of effective utility management controls. The new buildings will be air conditioned (unlike the current facilities) resulting in additional cost (but better use). The design of the heating and cooling system will be addressed with state of the art capabilities that are also cost effective. Heating and cooling costs are anticipated to be similar to current expense levels. The overall costs of maintenance will be determined by the actual amount of year-round usage. Every effort will be made to make the new facility low maintenance in every way possible and the associated costs are anticipated to be less for a new building then three old ones. The year-round demand on the building’s use will affect the cost of maintaining it.
Q: What will the new building have in it? Did we take into account what members expressed previously?
A: Prior community surveys were reviewed and taken into account. A pro shop, bar, grill, fitness and meeting area were all listed as high priorities.
Q: How much parking will we have?
A: We anticipate 41 parking spaces in the existing parking lot area with additional spaces on the graveled area north of the facility.
Q: What will it look like?
A: A Site Plan, Floor Plans, Elevation drawings and artist Renderings are included herein and are available on the SVRA website as well.
Q: Do we have a choice as to whether it will be built?
A: All members have a voice in this matter. Directors are elected to represent the members and they also have a fiduciary responsibility to maintain the common areas owned by the Association. The current Board of Directors is committed to the Barn/Silo Redevelopment project.
Q: What will we use as a pro shop while the building is being built?
A: We are currently looking at using the space in the swimming pool building or setting up a temporary pro shop. This is still to be determined and will need Town approval.
Q: What are the building time frames?
A: Our goal is to start construction In October 2013 or May 2014. It will be a 12-16 month project.
Q: Will there be an increase in the noise factor with the new building? Will traffic patterns change?
A: There will be some increased traffic flow, however, we do not anticipate a large increase in noise volume. Traffic flow will have some minor changes (see the Site Plan included herein and on the SVRA website as well).
Q: What revenue streams are anticipated with the new facility?
A: In addition the income of the bar and grill, we anticipate additional rental income from wedding receptions and other events.
Q: Will there be fund raising as part of the debt reduction?
A: We hope to do some type of fund raising. Exactly what we will do is yet to be determined. We are open to suggestions and volunteers to implement various ideas.