Greens Committee minutes, June 24th 2010
The Greens Committee met on June 24th 2010 at 2:00P.M. Meeting held in room on the second floor Silo Building. Attending were members, Robbie Robinson, Kathleen McKinley, Scott Johnson, Barry Kendall, and Chairperson. Gayland Archibald. Guests were General Manager Kirk Sessions also Greens Superintendent Kurt Richmond
Chairman, Gayland Archibald opened the meeting with his statement. : Thanked all the Green Committee members for all that they did last year. Thanks again for all the help. He feels we had a very good year and we should be proud of what was accomplished. He thanked the Greens Employees for getting the course up and ready for play, even with all the rain and snow, they had to fight in the month of June. He feels that next year will be another good year. Gayland announced that he will not be a member of the Greens Comm. next year.
Kurt Richmond reported that:
Next Months plans include:
Greens Committee Minutes, June 24th 2010 Continued page two
Other Greens Reports/Discussions
New Cart Path Report/Greens Expenses/ Kirk Session, General Manager SVRA
Tee Box Signs: Robbie Robinson gave a update report on these signs.
It was discussed that during the Golf Committee meeting yesterday that Gary Braun would like to combine the two committees together. Golf and Greens. It was unknown what he has planned or how he will do this. It was suggested the two committees would continue as they are now. But now under the same Board member. If this is the case he will be contacting each of you to serve.
Gayland Thanked Barry for all the help taking minutes for all our meetings last year and offered to buy him a Pepsi downstairs. He declined
Motion to adjourn: Robbie Robinson, Seconded Kathleen McKinley Passed 3:50PM