Star Valley Ranch Association Golf Committee
Monthly Meeting Minutes agenda
June 23, 2010
Members in Attendance: Liz Beck, Rolf Burmeister, Sharon Chumley, Kathy Dietz, Bonnie Johnson, Randy King, Kirk Sessions, Donna Thompson, Terry Wilson, and Gary Braun-Chairman.
Guests in Attendance: George Toolson (new Board candidate)
Absent and Excused: Myrna Archibald, Gayle Brice, and Bob Manning.
1.Meeting called to order by committee chair
2. A brief Greens Committee summary was given by Gary from info he had been given. Cart path bids are still being collected with a third bid coming in this week. Greens committee will meet tomorrow, Thursday, June 24th. Water systems are all up and running, additional ball washers have been installed at a number of the new ladies tee boxes as the ladies requested last year.
3. Golf Pro Report: Randy reported our overall golf rounds on both courses are down 23% through mid June primarily due to another wet spring and cold temperatures. The weather has finally made a favorable change and golf rounds are now showing a marked increase with a very successful Star Valley Hospital tournament now completed and men and womens days well attended. Pro Shop sales are actually up a little over 2009 due primarily to the sale of two golf carts this spring with several more reconditioned carts scheduled to arrive for sale at the pro shop. If you need a cart that looks and runs like new see Randy. The new Afton golf course status and prices were discussed and compared with our costs. Many of the Afton prices were similiar to ours, a few things higher and a few slightly lower. Season passes at Afton are $500 for a single and $800 for a couple however, this is only good Monday through Thursday and tee times can only be made 24 hours in advance. Afton residents can play for $25 Monday through Thursday and $30 Friday through Sunday. Star Valley residents play for $30 and $35 with guests playing for $35 and $40 respectively. All 9 holes are half of 18 hole rounds and carts are addition to all prices above.
The jury is still out over the newly implimented “prime time” concept for weekends and holidays for our season pass holders. The weather has caused open tee times through mid June at both courses during prime times so the new restrictions were not used/needed to increase outside play. We will continue to monitor this and re-evaluate it in our July meeting.
Upcoming golf events including the property owners weekend tournaments and free play Saturday, June 27th, the Member Guest tournament now called Star Valley Ranch Invitational, Men vs Ladies Challenge, and the Ladies Invitational August 8th were all discussed and everything looks to be in order for another great season.
Golf Cart annual trail fees are slightly down from last year. 99 trail fees had been collected as of mid June.
Randy also said for our reference, 240 rounds per day is the max for Cedar Creek. The closest we have been this year is 190 as I remember.
4. The balance of the meeting was spent with each member identifing specific goals they would like to see the 2010/2011 Golf Committee focus on. These ideas were then prioritized and we will finalize them in our July golf committee meeting. This will give the golf committee and the few committee members that missed the June meeting a chance to rethink these before the final selection and prioritization. Some of them are a first for any committee or Board to take on. These draft goals are listed below in draft priority order:
* Review and Update all existing golf policies and request Board approval.
* To further our efforts for the overall golf business to pay for itself, set up and kickoff a marketing sub committee to develop stratedgies to benefit the golf business and all of the Star Valley Ranch Association’s recreational activities. Determine target areas- groups from outside the Ranch and present results to the Association’s Board.
* Improve Communication of overall golf costs to our Association members with goals, goal performance and actual costs vs budget.
* Golf Marshals: clearly identify their purpose, authority, enforcement, non compliance actions allowable, and develop slow play issue resolutions with written objective guidelines.( Action given to Mens and Ladies Golf Associations’ to discuss slow play within their respective groups and agree on a mutual guideline that the Marshals can then enforce for men and womens tournament events. (Actionees Myrna Archibald- Donna Thompson and Terry Wilson-Rolf Burmeister))
* Work with the Association Board, Long Range Planning Committee and Tennis Club to identify a long term solution for the driving range and tennis courts.
* Evaluate shotgun starts for mens and ladies days.
* Refurbish the restrooms at Cedar Creek hole number 13.
* Upgrade golf course equipment.
5. Meeting adjourned about 1800 hours.
The July Golf Committee meeting is Thursday, July 15th at 4:00 PM at the Silo, second floor. Please mark your calendars and I’ll send you an agenda the week of the meeting.
Respectfully submitted. Gary Braun. July 2, 2010