Greens Committee Agenda
2:00 pm Silo
- Call meeting to order: Meeting was called to order at 2:09 pm. Those present were Kurt Richmond Co-Chair, Kirk Sessions General Manager, Gary Braun Director, George Toolson Director, Gayland Archibald, Terry Wilson, Ken McNeal, Kathleen McKinley, Korry Wheeler, Scott Johnson.
- Review Prior Minutes:
- Golf Committee Highlights:
- Discussion of 2011-2012 Greens Committee members and Co-Chair for SVRA Board Approval.
– A discussion regarding the day of the Greens Committee meeting was had and it was decided to change the day to the second Thursday of the month.
– A discussion regarding the members of the Greens Committee for 2012 ensued. Action Item – Kathleen McKinley – Talk to Ladies Association about appointing another lady to Greens Committee.
- Superintendent Greens Report: Kurt Richmond gave the following superintendent report:
- Mike Bartok, Flowtronics service rep will be here Friday 15th at 10 am. We will be trouble shooting the electrical issues on #9 Cedar Creek. I will also be getting a price on the power conditioner for inside the flowtronics box next to the putting green. A rough cost estimate is $2,000 to $3,000.
- The de-sanding house intake for SVRA was leveled to the LVI pipe intake.
- For the past week I have been running water from the site pro computer and when I come in the next day, the system is drained. An air lock has been caveating the filter house when this is happening. This makes sporadic watering of the course and is one of the reasons for the dry spots. Today we turned on 20 irrigation heads around the course running approximately 800 GPM at the flow meter up Green Canyon. I then drove up to the de-sanding house to see if the amount of water we were using was dropping the level of the de-sanding house, it was not. I drove back down to the filter house and both gauges were reading 70 psi and the filter was cycling every 2 minutes when the outgoing pressure dropped below 68 psi, so that tells me that we are losing water somewhere in the night when LVI turns on their water. I went back up to the de-sanding house to look at how we could be losing water and it came to my attention that the Brog pipe line shoots right into LVI’s pipe and bypasses SVRA intake pipe since it is off set to the north of LVI intake. If the majority of water is shooting in LVI pipe, the water is being wasted because his overflow system dumps into the creek on #16. Something needs to be done with SVRA and LVI irrigation infrastructure so I can give you the quality of product that the members and guests deserve. We need between 700 to 800 GPM to water all 27 holes at SVRA.
- We have been operating irrigation heads manually for the past 3 weeks. We have also been running a generator on #9 to power the first satellite on #9, #8 and #7.
Berms #1, #2, Driving Range
- Work will start on #1 and #2 when we start the cart paths
- Driving Range will be done after trees are planted this fall
Work Projects July, August
- Cart paths #1 green, #2 Tee complex and #8 Tee AH
- #1 AH tee cart path
- Spike, Light Top-Dress and fertilize greens
- Get irrigation working
– Action Item – Terry Wilson – Try to locate and get an estimate for a vac truck.
– Action Item – Kirk Sessions – Try to find a pump that would be able to handle vacuuming out sand.
Old Business
- Cart Paths- The priority of cart paths to replace this year was discussed. The bidding procedure was also discussed. ACTION ITEM- Kurt Richmond is to get a quote on how much it would cost to replace the cart paths on CC #1 Green, CC #2 Tee complex, AH #7 Green to #8 Tee and CC #14 tee. ACTION ITEM- Kirk Sessions will check on policies concerning bidding.
- Use of Volunteers- Kirk Sessions reported that to add volunteers to our policy would not be very expensive. It was agreed that this would be a good thing to do.
- Grass Seed- Scott Johnson reports that he was not able to obtain the seed that he was hoping for.
- Possibility of Bentonite-like product from Simplot. Gayland Archibald reports that Simplot will be delivering 4 truckloads or 40 tons of bentonite-like material Friday morning. We will be storing it in the Forest Service area just North of the barn until we use it.
- We need a big tree spade to use for tree removal. Kirk Sessions reported that he contacted those responsible for the tree spade. They said that it is a contractor’s and he does not rent it out.
- Some of the new trees that were planted last fall are having issues. Kurt Richmond started to use some sulfur on the trees. Together with a water schedule, they appear to be doing better.
- New Business
– A discussion regarding mosquito abatement was had and it was decided that the logistics are not possible.
- Open Discussion:
Meeting adjourned at 3:35 pm.