SVRA Golf Committee Meeting Agenda
Thursday, July 14th, 2011 4:00 pm
1- Call the Meeting to Order: Meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm. Those in attendance were, Kirk Sessions, Gary Braun, George Toolson, Bob Manning, Terry Wilson, Bonnie Johnson, Randy King, Donna Thompson, Gayle Brice, Korry Wheeler
2- Review and approve the June Golf Committee minutes
3- Greens Committee Meeting Highlights
4- Discussion of 2011-2012 Golf committee members for SVRA Board approval
5- Golf Pro Report: Randy King gave the following report:
We have finally seen a true snapshot of the golf season and our pricing strategy. After the worst spring I can remember, the weather continues to cause us problems with afternoon thunderstorms throughout July. The mosquitos have come out in force and have been particularly bad in the evenings.
Our revenue is down when compared to the same time last year, however July revenue is up and we are closing the gap between last year and this year. We are still struggling against our budget and need a good summer to pull us up. So far our rounds for the season have been 5774. With 3,857 played at Cedar Creek and 1,917 played at Aspen Hills.
Our pricing at Aspen Hills is working well. Korry is managing the facility well and play is up. Korry, myself, Kurt and Kirk are doing everything possible to get Aspen Hills to break even. It is a very difficult task with the cost of maintenance and staffing. We are running ads in the papers to get rounds up and offering discount rates.
At Cedar Creek we are running ads that allow players to get the $22 special rate before 2:00 pm if they bring in the coupon.
The member guest * open invitational is going well. I ordered the tee prizes (bags) and also will give out golf balls and cart seat covers to make up the full price of the tee prize.
I would like to change the wording of men’s and ladies days to be men’s and ladies groups or leagues. I believe that players still think of us as a country club with the course taken up during mens and ladies “days.” I would like to let everyone know that the course is open for public play during these events.
Our men will travel to Soda Springs on July 18th. The Ryder Cup will be played July 20-23 with the event scheduled to be here on the 22nd.
The ladies won the Mens and Ladies Challenge 15 ½ to 11 1/2 . The ladies Solheim Cup is being played this week.
The Ladies Invitational is now named the Rhinestone Cowgirl Invitational and will be played on August 8th.
The Mr and Mrs Tournament is now being called the Mixed Moose Tournament and the dates have been changed to August 26 & 27. It will not conflict with the board meeting. When these changes are made please remember to let me know as soon as possible. A little written notice helps me remember to tell my staff. Thank you to Bob Manning, George Toolson, Donna Thompson, and Gayle Brice for their help on these events.
6- Old Business:
a- Complete the review and discussion of the 2011 golf calendar tournament events. The discussion centered around the events that were left to organize for the rest of the year.
New Business:
a- Member/Visitor suggestion form. It was discussed whether we have a system in place for customers to turn in suggestions. Some ideas of a system that would be effective was discussed. The General Manager and Golf Professional will develop a program that they feel is effective.
b- Rain Out Policy Discussion. Our rain out policy was discussed. The policy will be revised and put into official policy form by the golf professionals.
c- Handicap Fee – Dual Clubs Discussion. Gayle Brice reported that she had received a satisfactory explanation from the Utah and Wyoming golf associations regarding why those that have two residences must pay handicap fees in both states.
d- Cart Trail Fee Verification. Randy King reported that our marshals are currently checking for trail fees on private carts.
Open Discussion
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 5:45 pm.