SVRA Golf Committee Meeting
July 15, 2010
Chairman, Gary Braun opened the meeting at 4:00 p.m. on July 15, 2010.
Present: Gary Braun, , Kirk Sessions, Randy King, Koory Wheeler, Myrna Archibald, Gayle Brice, , Kathy Dietz, , Bonnie Johnson , Bob Manning, Donna Thompson and, George Toolson.
Absent and Excused: Rolf Burmeister, Sharon Chumley and, Terry Wilson.
Gary gave a brief overview of Golf Committee changes and reason for the changes. He has asked Randy King to co-chair the golf committee and asked Kirk Sessions to be a permanent member of the Golf Committee. Gary also has Board of Director responsibility for the Greens Committee and will serve on this committee also. He has ask Bob Lujan and Kurt Richmond to co-chair the Greens Committee.
Gary briefly went over the 2011 golf members. Myrna & Terry will be replaced by the new Vice Presidents, as Donna and Rolf will be Presidents of the women and Men’s Golf Associations, respectively. All other members will be the same.
Kirk Sessions gave a brief summary of projects around the golf course. Golf paths are a priority and Jeff Earl has been awarded the contract to do the “cement” golf cart paths. Holes # 2 and 18 cart paths on Cedar Creek and a continuation of the Cart Path South of the Cook shack on Aspen Hills are the initial 2010 projects. Highlights were given of the greens committee accomplishments. Greens are in good shape. Ball washers are on the women’s tees. Some used/broken tee boxes have been set out on the t-boxes.
Budget: Kirk handed out a copy of the budget to all members present and he went over the figures. See Attached.
Randy King Golf Pro Report: Cedar Creek and Aspen Hills through July 15 has played 6,552 rounds. This is an 18% reduction in rounds played over the same time last year. Pro shop sales are also down 22% through this same time period. The 6 weeks of rain and snow in May and June combined with the overall economy recession have made a significant impact to the golf business this year. However, with many of our major golf events still remaining this year, the golf committee feels optimistic and has recommended several changes to the Board of Directors for the remainer of the 2010 golf season. Those include eliminating the season pass holder “prime time” additional $5 charge as these prime times have not been filling up on weekends and holidays and also recommending expanding the twilight time hours (special stimulus rate) to anytime Monday through Friday and after 12:00 noon on weekends. (footnote: These two motions were approved at the Board meeting July 17th. The Board also approved the proposed members of both the Golf and Greens Committee members for the 2010/ 2011 golf season.)
The committee also discussed the benefits of Guest Fees and whether we should have a reduced rate for guests. All members agreed that we should have a special rate for our guests and we suggested selling punch passes in increments in 6, 8 10, 20, etc. After some discussion, the committee recommends the Board to reconsider guest rates for the 2011 golf season. Gary will carry this suggestion forward to the board for the 2011 fee rate meeting. Hopefully, these changes will increase revenue and play on the Cedar Creek Golf Course.
Old Business/Actions /Actionees were discussed:
The committee briefly reviewed the Goals for 2010-2011. Gary will take responsibility for reviewing and updating all existing golf policies, get concurrence from the golf committee and then request SVR A Board approval.
Bonnie Johnson, Bob Manning and Donna Thompson will work on marketing strategies in a special sub committee. This sub committee will report at the next golf committee meeting their progress.( Bonnie volunteered to chair this)
Myra, Donna, Terry and Rolf Burmeister will identify Golf Marshal’s purpose, authority, etc. Discuss it with their respective men and womens golf association members and report results back to the golf committee at the next golf committee meeting in August.
Gary and George Toolson will work with the SVRA Board of Directors, GM, Long Range Planning Committee and Tennis Club officers to determine solutions to the driving range and tennis courts.
New Business: Randy presented his memo regarding Tournament Events and the SVRA Member-Guest Tournament. See Attached. The Committee members reviewed the documents and made a few suggestions to clarify the Official SVRA Golf Tournament/Event white paper, i.e., SVRA Member-Guest and Invitational Tournament, etc. The committee agreed the standardization and written policies is a good idea.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bonnie Johnson and unanimously seconded.
Next Meeting is August 19th @ 4:00 p.m. in the Silo
Respectfully Submitted: Gayle Brice