SVRA Greens Committee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, July 15, 2010 (2:00PM Silo)
Present at the Meeting: Mike Blackman, Ken McNeal, Robie Robinson, Kirk Sessions, Gary Braun, George TOOLSON, Don McCormick, Bob Lujan, Vern Madsen, Scott Johnson, and Arch Archibald.
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Golf Business Committee Changes 2010 (Greens and Golf) Reason for Change- Gary
The Greens committee and Golf committee will be be meeting separately, due to the large number of issues to be addressed by each committee. Their reports will be merged and be presented as one Golf Business Committee Report.
3. Proposed Greens Committee members 2010/2011: Mike Blackman, Jim Chumley, Bob Lujan (Co-Chair), Scott Johnson, Barry Kendal, Vern Madsen, Ken McNeal, Robie Robinson, Kirk Sessions, Kurt Richmond (Co-Chair), Kathleen McKinley, and Gary Braun.
It was stated that the committee would like to have more female representatives. Myrna Archibald, Womens Golf Association President,will be contacted by Bob Lujan to see if an additional lady from the SVR Ladies Golf Association would be interested in being on the committee. (Action Item Bob Lujan).
4. Golf Committee Highlights. Gary
The Primetime Season Pass Holder Fee was not being utilized due to lack of demand during primetime hours. Therefore this additional fee for season pass holders will be discussed and a motion made at the next Board meeting to eliminate the prime time weekend and holiday fee for season pass holders. (Update, a motion was made and the Board approved elimination of this fee as requested from the golf greens committee.)
4. Greens Report (attached)- Kurt/Kirk
Course Conditions
Greens-good, need to be verticut to help water penetration
Tees- Need to spray weeds, aerify ladies tees
Fairways- Need to spray for weeds, still have vole damage
Rough- Need to spray for weeds, still have vole damage
Overall condition of course is good, still working on water and adjusting head so they don’t water empty lots or wooded areas
#13 main line leak finished, working on wires that control irr heads
#13 Bridge and valve that control water for park, not started yet
Piles of dirt on #1,#2,#7,Back of Driving range will be mounded and seeded this fall
#2 AH New Tee will be going in we are getting crowded out by the pine trees on the original tee that will be ladies
#2 and #8 Cedar Creek at new cart paths will be complete with sod as time permits
#9 AH new cart path the rest of that project will be completed this fall with seed
#8 AH Tee complex will be completed throughout the summer
Cedar Creek Park Working on that when tractor is available
New Cart Paths for 2010 – Planning will begin on Friday with Jeff Earl and Kirk
Kurt, Kirk and Randy went out on the course to look over the above mentioned areas and come to a consensus on how all future cart paths should be designed. With a standard applied to all new cart paths it should create a consistency of cart path design throughout the course over the upcoming years as more paths are added.
5. Review and Discussion of any “Existing” Greens Committee past action items-Arch/Gary
Vole underground extermination: Vern Madsen will be in charge of the front nine at Cedar Creek and Don McCormick will be in charge of the back nine at Cedar and the nine holes at Aspen. This issue will be a topic in the August Greens Committee meeting. ( action Bob Lujan to add this to the agenda)
Tee Box Sponsorship: The details about what has been done in the past were discussed. The board currently has a policy in place which allows for a renewal on Tee Box Sponsorships, but to date it has not been implemented. There was also discussion about the possibility of finding a different way to display hole information at each tee box. Randy King said that he would look into various options/costs for the committee to look at (Open Action Randy King).
6. Discussion of Greens Committee charter, goals, focus areas for the next 12 months. Use of volunteers? Some initial thoughts we can build from are attached
The greens committee is designed to provide policies and oversight for the care of the course and in times of need be available to help implement volunteer activities.
7. Any additional new business?
#13 Pond – Mike Blackman volunteered to find information about the possibility of getting bentonite to help line the pond of #13 so that they can fill it with water (Open Action Mike Blackman).
The possibility of moving #13 pond to the West toward the irrigation ditch was discussed. No action taken at this time.
Ball Washers – Kurt Richmond and Kathleen McKinley are going to get together and discuss what the ladies want and what the Association has available (Kurt Richmond and Kathleen McKinley Open Action).
Sod on new cart paths – Sod will be placed around new cart paths by the Greens crew as time permits (Kurt Richmond Open Action).
Golf Course Standards – The Greens committee has been assigned to review what the standards for mowing lengths and other issues regarding care of the course should be (Greens Committee Open Action).
#18 Pond – The liner in the pond is currently leaking and we are therefore unable to fill it. The Greens committee is investigating ways to seal the leaks (Greens Committee Open Action).
Major Projects – There was concern as to the number of major projects that have been started and not completed. It was decided that the Greens committee would work with Kurt and his crew to prioritize the finalization of these projects and find a way to accomplish their completion.
8. Adjourn
Next Monthly Greens Committee meeting is August 19th, @2:00PM in the Silo