Golf & Greens Meeting Monday – June 17, 2019
George Toolson, Director, called the meeting to order at 4:05p.m.
Committer Members Present: George Toolson, Allison Webb, Bob Manning, Ann Earl, Chuck Endress, Gary Braun, Terry Wilson, Ken McNeal, Kurt Richmond, Marsha Combe, Tallia Booker, Ben Whalen, Cathy Toolson
George welcomed everyone back and thanked everyone for their hard work on the Mixed Moose Tournament that was held this past weekend. We had a record number of entries and good feedback from our visitors.
Kurt Richmond, Golf Course Superintendent, that he has been spraying for dandelions and has completed the new seeding near the pathway on #4. There was some discussion regarding the water in the ditch on #4. He will talk to Gibby Oswald. He also mentioned that he completed the aeriation of the greens with a new machine that he was very impressed with. He is watering heavy on Monday and Thursday nights. Work on the #10 cart path will be started this fall. He will also enlarge the Ladies Tee Box with the dirt pulled out for the new path.
The Men’s Golf Association donated $2,000 for nets on the driving range and they will be put up later.
Tallia Booker, General Manager, had nothing to report at this time
George stated that the fund raising for the Member Center was going good.
Ben Whalen, Golf Pro, reported that things in the Pro Shop were going well but the budget was off a bit because of the weather.
The Member/Member Tournament held on May 30-31 had a less than expected turnout. Timing issues may be the reason…will look at that for next year.
Chuck Endres mentioned that the Member/Member scores did not get posted. Ben will look into that.
Ben also reported that the Star Valley Medical Center Tournment was well attended and they played in the rain. The Wildland Firefighter Tournament was again good income for the Course. He has 13 juniors signed up for clinics. There are only 8 teams signed up for the Property Owners Tournament this weekend and there will be free golf for property owners and their families on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They will be charging for carts.
Marsha Combe, discussed/suggested using resusable Gift Cards for tournament winners instead of posting credit to players.
Night Golf is scheduled for Saturday, July 13th. Cost will be $75/player. Fee increased to pay for more lighting materials. Limited to 56 players.
Couples league will start on June 18 at 3:00pm
There was some discussion on Trail Fees and making sure golfers check-in with the Pro shop before heading out.
Discussion regarding posting scores and if we should look at having a handicap committee again.
There being no further business, Terry Wilson moved to adjourn with a second by Gary Braun.
Meeting adjourned at 5:22p.m.