Golf & Greens Committee Meeting September 19, 2016
Present: George Toolson, Kurt Richmond, Ben Whalen, Kathleen McKinley, Scott Johnson, Jim Chumley, Bob Manning, Gary Braun, Michael Moore, Chris Combe, Donna Thompson, Ken McNeal, Jan Parrott, Richard Endres, Cathy Toolson, Marsha Combe
George called the meeting to order at 4:00p.m.
Kurt Richmond gave his Greens Report which includes the following :
Cedar Creek: #3 – Working on a new cart path and redesign of tee box & will have the finish grade of tee box done this fall and ready for sod in spring; Jeff Earl has two more pours; fescue grass will be planted on both sides of the fairway.
Cedar Creek #10, #12 & #13 have been aerified and a new yardage boulder placed on #13.
Rusty’s Tree Service is doing some Pro Bono work for us on Holes 1 & 18. He will budget funds to hire him next year to continue the process.
Wanted to especially thank all the folks who helped with the new bridge on #9 of Cedar Creek and those that helped fill vole holes with sand on a few Tuesday evenings after Couple’s League.
Aspen Hills: All greens were double verticut & top-dressed& all tee boxes were top-dressed. Irrigation is running at 500 GPM and winterization will take place October 1st – 7th .
Ben Whalen, Golf Pro, reported that the Fall pricing started today and the clothing will most likely be discounted in October. There’s still some nice looking shirts, jackets, etc. to choose from! Start your Christmas Shopping early! He also mentioned that the lessons went very well…two times more than last year.
He said he would like to see an increase in the golf fees as the Afton Course is charging $40/round w/cart and their course and carts are not near the condition that ours are. After some discussion, the committee said they were good with raising all fees by 10% across the board…including memberships, punch cards, etc.
Donna Thompson brought up advertising & signage. She stated that the signage in place now is not up to what it could/should be. We are at the end of a contract for our sign at the Old Mill and will not be renewing that space. There was discussion to get with Star Valley Ranch RV Park and see if they would be interested in sharing a couple of billboards which would be placed further north & south of the Cedar Creek Road to alert travelers that there are 54 Holes of Golf to enjoy just up the road.
Also, discussed was advertising again in the Jackson Hole News & Guide to bring in the golfers from Jackson and surroundings areas. Advertising in Idaho Falls may also be an option .
The removal of the 15″ holes on Aspen Hills was also a topic of discussion. There hasn’t been much feedback as to if the golfers are enjoying them or if they are in way. Mowing around them is a hassle and changing them is not easy either.
Gary Braun made a motion to accept the proposal, w/amendments, regarding the handicaps for the Member-Guest and the Member-Member Tournaments. Seconded by Michael Moore, all in favor. Amended proposal reads as follows:
Any player participating in a SVR Member-Guest and/or Member-Member Tournament who scores an aggregate (two day average) net score of more than five (5) strokes below that players net handicap will be required to play to that aggregate handicap scored for the next two (2) SVR Member-Guest and/or Member-Member Tournaments that he or she plays in.
Any player affected by this new rule who plays in a SVR Member-Guest and/or Member-Member Tournament must play two (2) years using this adjusted aggregate handicap (or their current GHIN Handicap, whichever is lower) before returning to their established GHIN Handicap at the time of the next SVR Member-Guest and/or Member-Member Tournament he or she plays in.
This new rule includes all scores recorded from the July 2016 SVR Member-Guest Tournament and all tournament scores posted to any future Member-Guest and/or Member-Member Tournament and shall ONLY affect the individual player (or players) affected by this rule.
Old Business: Ken McNeal talked about the members playing golf on weekdays instead of weekends so there are more tee times available for guests. A three day limit for advance tee times for members was discussed and it was decided that the Pro Shop would try that next spring to see if it helps get more guests playing during the times that the members usually do.
Ben Whalen requested that the Ladies Association give up two of their Thursdays next year for practice rounds for the Mixed Moose Tournament and the Member-Guest Tournament.
Marsha Combe and Donna Thompson will make sure that is done when putting the Ladies golf calendar together. Maybe we can get them to play Aspen Hills those two days!
Motion to adjourn made and seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:10p.m.