SVRA Greens Committee Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, August 17th, 2011
- Meeting called to order 2:03 pm
- Director Braun reported that the Greens Committee for 2011 and 2012 has been approved at the last board meeting. The following individuals are a part of the committee:
Gayland Archibald, Jim Chumley, Scott Johnson, Kathleen McKinley, Ken McNeal, Kurt Richmond Co-Chairman, Robie Robinson, Kirk Sessions, Korry Wheeler, Terry Wilson – Co-Chairmain and Gary Braun – Golf Director.
- Golf Committee Highlights
- Superintendent’s Report
- New Cart Paths
- i. Hole 1 CC by green, total length 174’ x 6’ wide with an additional 72 square feet for bump out for a total of 1,116 square feet.
- ii. Hole 2 CC by tee
- Option A – Use existing cart path total length 360’ x 6’ wide with additional 72 square feet for bump out for a total of 2,232 square feet.
- Option B – Use existing cart path then cut to the right after the front of men’s tee, towards bridge. The new senior tee would be built to keep the yardage in regulation for a par 5, per Randy’s recommendation. Total length 379’ x 6’ with additional 72 square feet for bump out for a total of 2,346 square feet.
- Option C – Eliminate old cart path build new cart path on North side of men’s tee, build new senior tee box 20 yards in front of men’s tee to keep yardage in regulation for a par 5. Total length 250’ x 6’ wide with additional 72 square feet for bump out for a total of 1,572 square feet.
By using option C we will be saving 660 square feet of concrete with a cost savings of around $2,000.00. Also making hole 2 a regulation par 5 for seniors. The new path will also be a direct route to the bridge without using the access road. The material excavated from this option will be the material used to build the new tee and the sod salvaged from this job will be used to finish the tee. Irrigation arrangement will not be changed.
Gayland Archibald moved and Robie Robinson Seconded that the Greens Committee recommend following option C. The motion was passed unanimously.
- iii. Hole 7 AH green to Hole 8 AH tee. Use the existing cart path starting at 7 green up the hill to 8 tee stopping at the end of the rock wall. The total length is 560’ x 6’ wide with additional 144 square feet for 2 bump outs for a total of 3,504 square feet.
- iv. Hole 17 CC green to road edge. Old asphalt will be removed. We will supply the removal of material with our workmans. Jeff will supply the additional material to put in its place for a cost of $425.00
- v. Any left over monies will be used on hole 4 from the bridge to the ladies tee box.
Gayland Archibald moved and Ken McNeal seconded to recommend that any Extra Monies go to building the cart path from the bridge to the ladies tee box on hole #4 at Cedar Creek. The motion was passed unanimously.
- Big tree transplant
- i. Spade: We are still looking for a proper sized spade to transplant trees
- ii. Tree Farm
- Trees in tree farm are close together. One tree might have to be cut down to get one tree out. This will depend on the size of the spade.
- Is it possible to delay this job until fall of 2012? I would like to see if the trees we planted in 2010 will survive the winter of 2011. If they do then we can proceed with the same process as we did in 2010.
- It would be nice to complete the jobs we have started before we start more work
- I will try to plant some aspen trees on the berms on the right side of the driving range to protect that house.
- i. I would like to see the color molded stakes put on the course. These require less maintenance and no painting. We could implement this on a 3 year plan.
- Red, White, and Yellow Stakes
Randy and Korry will get an estimate to Kurt on how many stakes we will need.
- Ponds: Holes 13 and 16 on Cedar Creek
- i. Option A – Dredge existing ponds, install inlet and outlet from existing canals and bed with clay.
- ii. Option B – New designs for ponds as presented at last greens meeting.
- iii. Schedule work to be done on these projects. Should we do it in house, or outsource the work?
Terry Wilson, Kurt Richmond, Kirk Sessions, Gayland Archibald will meet and look at the possibilities of how to improve the pond.
- Proposed CC modifications and practice facility
- i. Practice facility and #1 tee complex
- Proposal to fill in hole west of #1 tee and build a 2 tier driving range tee which would add approximately 75 to 100 yards to the current driving range. The cart path would be moved to the east side of the #1 tee and a new senior tee would be cut in the bank between the men’s tee and ladies tee.
- Material to fill in the hole will come from the town stock pile. We can take advantage of all the new piping they are putting in the ground. The fill could come at no cost to the Association.
- i. Cedar Creek
- Berms – Holes 1,2 and Driving Range at Cedar Creek
- Status: Starting to prep berms for seed in late September
- Hole 13 Irrigation and wiring: This project is nearing completion
- Hole 17: Finish shaping pond and seed the edges
- Berms – Holes 1,2 and Driving Range at Cedar Creek
- ii. Aspen Hills
- Hole #1 Cart Path: Finish contouring
- Hole #2: New tee box needs to be finished
- Hole #9: Contour behind green needs to be finished
- iii. Irrigation Wiring Hole #9 Cedar Creek
- Power just hooked up today. It seems to be working great.
- Finish making proper connections
- Install irrigation piping and 5 new irrigation heads on left rough
- Fill in holes next to river. Smooth out area and seed in late September
- iv. Beautification Responsibilities
- Water Trees
- Flower Beds
- Common Areas
- Maintaining Berms
- v. Dyers Woad Removal
- Volunteer Project
- vi. Tee Box Signs
- We will look at the possibility of new tee box signs.
- Major projects started
Korry will look into the costs.
Kirk will call Warren Webb about the possibility of using boulders.
- vii. Irrigation system maintenance and inventory
- Program is set in place. 2012 budget will indicate inventory needs and upgrades to existing infrastructure.
- viii. Re-evaluation of greens equipment
- All toro equipment is working as intended. Majority of my equipment budget is going to our John Deere equipment. We will start on replacement this winter. Next replacement piece will be the John Deere rough unit. Mower decks cannot handle the terrain of the course. This piece is not operational.
- ix. Pond Liner
- We will use the lining to line the edge of the rough where tree roots are growing and sapling all the water out of the rough.
- Any other uses for the pond liner?
- i. Total of 243 hours of consecutive operation
- ii. Cost of operation per hour is roughly $3.00
- iii. The well is used only when water levels drop to below 300 gallons per minute. We are watering roughly 630 gallons per minute and with the fine tuning of site pro I am able to water all 27 holes in one night. The goal is to get the water time window to 11 hours and drop our water usage to 500 gallons per minute on every water cycle.
- i. De-sanding house is empty down to 6 inches we flushed the sand out of a 4” drain valve in the bottom.
- ii. A schedule to clean the de-sanding house will be implemented. Sometime in the fall, so we are ready for spring flow.
- iii. Maintenance and up keep of the de-sanding house will be maintained by SVRA
- iv. Maintenance and up keep of the Brog head gate will be maintained by Val Stewart
- v. SVRA filter house
- This filter gives the irrigation water one last cleaning down to 300 micron screen before it enters the system
- We purchased a new filter regulator and manual cycle valve for the filter house. With the new hardware installed and the de-sanding house clean, the irrigation system has been running 630 gallons per minute for 3 weeks from green canyon without a problem. The irrigation system is working to 80% of its capacity which is showing on the golf course. There is still sand in irrigation lines which clogs the irrigation heads. Now the system is running, we are flushing heads to remove sediment from the lines. I have no idea how long this will take.
- With the irrigation system consistently running and pressure holding we are starting to find the weak spots in the piping and valves. These issues are being addressed on a priority basis.
- Hole 13 behind green.
- Air release valve broke. We excavated the area and found the break. We eliminated the air release for now and are redesigning the piping.
- Operation of Cedar Creek Well 7/22/2011 thru 8/1/2011
- De-sanding house
Ken McNeal moved and Terry Wilson seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 3:50 pm.