Minutes of Golf & Greens Meeting Monday- July 22, 2019
George Toolson, Director, called the meeting to order at 4:08pm
Committee Persons Present: George Toolson, Ben Whalen, Tallia Booker, Ann Earl, Marsha Combe, Terry Wilson, Allison Webb, Kurt Richmond, Ken McNeal, Chuck Endres, Bob Manning, Cathy Toolson
Ben Whalen, Golf Pro, reported that although the number of golf rounds were down, the income was up.
He and his staff are preparing for the annual Member/Guest Tournament to be held this weekend (July 25-27). There will be 2 flights for both men and women unless a third is needed. The Calcutta will be at 7:00p.m. on Thursday night after the horserace. Parimutual betting and skins will also be available. There will be no putting or chipping contests this year as there hasn’t been much interest the past couple of years.
The Thayne Senior Center Tournament will be held on Friday, August 1st. Cost is $400 per team. The breakfast, lunch and swag bag are worth the entry fee!
Ann Earl asked about the continuance of night golf. Their rock on #15 was run over by a cart (tire tracks to prove it) and a sprinkler box on #14 fairway sustained substantial damage. It was decided that there would be no more Night Golf.
Kurt Richmond, Golf Course Superintendent, asked if the number of cups on the practice green was adequate. All agreed that it was good.
Kurt also reported that the water is flowing well and the moisture content is good. He and his staff are finishing up the prep work on #4. He took Chuck Endres, new Director of Utilities up Green Canyon. And, all the ponds are treated and the ducks set on #16.
Tallia Booker, General Manager, stated that the new Member Center is now scheduled to be completed mid to late December. The contractor is dealing with fire suppression issues. And, the legal issues are still ongoing.
Terry Wilson asked about next years Member-Guest Tournament. It will be held July 23-25. Men’s Ryder Cup will be July 8-10th. Their informational meeting will be held on July 5th at the Star Valley Resort Barn.
Allison Webb expressed some concern on consistency of cart fees. Tallia stated that they should be charged by the “butt” on the cart. Ben will take care of explaining charges to his staff.
Ben asked for 7-8 volunteers to help run the Horse Race for the Member-Guest on Thursday.
There being no further business, Terry Wilson moved to adjourn, seconded by Ken McNeal.
Meeting adjourned at 5:15p.m.