Account Statements: All bank accounts have been reconciled for November 2022 without discrepancy.
Assessment Status for 2021 and earlier: 1989 Lots (98.67%) paid in full.
2022 Assessment Status: 1939 Lots (96.18%) paid in full.
Currently the total of outstanding assessments is $61,338.07. The total of those delinquent more than 2 years is $36,071.21.
Business Activities: An overview of SVRA Financials finds the November YTD Gross Profit .9% above budgeted levels and Total Expense 4.2% above budget resulting in year-to-date Net ordinary income prior to depreciation at 11.6% short of budgeted levels. The YTD cash assets (11/30/2022 Balance Sheet) Total $1,010,206.80. The summary of the financials are, as always, available on the SVRA website.
Capital Campaign: The capital campaign continues for the Cedar Creek Center. To date we have received $144,109.08. Capital Campaign Funds spent to date total $121,150.80; leaving a balance of $22,958.28. Since the November meeting we have moved $1,700.00 donated by the Men’s golf association for sand to our operating account to cover the cost of the sand.
DCC&R Compliance: We continue to work with our attorney on one violation. A fence not properly permitted. The other two complaints (house that needed repainted and a property needing cleaned up) have come into compliance.
Tennis: The resurfacing of the tennis courts will be done in 2023. SVRA has received a solid bid from the same company that surfaced the Pickle ball courts. We are expecting the contract to arrive any day. Upon completion of the contract, SVRA will be required to pay a deposit to get on the calendar of Courts Unlimited.
WINTER: For the winter of 2022-23 we will continue to groom cross-country and snowshoe trails. We will be grooming Cedar Creek #1 for sledding. A big thanks to the Town of SVR. They have agreed to plow parking lot at the old Administrative/Aspen Hills building on Vista East this winter, when time and staffing allows. This will allow a safe place to park while members clear their driveways, and for sledding on Aspen Hills #1. Trail Grooming will only be done as weather and staffing allows. There will be no set schedule for grooming.
We have marked boulders, irrigation satellite boxes, greens and as many additional hazards as possible. We are working with a member to get some bamboo posts in the snow to indicate where the groomed trails are. SVRA will not be selling snowmobile permits this year. Any snowmobiling that is done on SVRA property must be done at the snowmobilers own risk. We ask that anyone snowmobiling, please stay off of the groomed trails as much as possible; when crossing the trails is required, please cross using an immediate ninety degree angle. Remember the trails are not groomed for snowmobiles!
The ice skating is now available. There are some ice skates that have been donated over the years, available to borrow. The ice skates are located in a box near the rink.