SVRA Golf Committee Meeting Minutes August 19, 2010
1. Meeting called to order at 4:00PM by Gary Braun, Co- Chairman
2. Greens Committee meeting completed just prior to the golf committee was summarized by Gary for the golf committee’s info/update. Status of 2010 new golf carts paths, update on tee box signs, Korry presented some alternative tee box yardage signs and costs. Red lines extension on holes 5 and 18 were also discussed and agreed to be made. Ball washers on tee boxes were discussed. Ponds on 13, 16 and 18 were also discussed along with best options/solutions for the future. A sub committee was formed within the Greens committee to future explore options/costs.
The Greens Committee minutes have now been emailed to all golf committee members for their info. These can also be found on the SVR Association web site monthly.
3. Randy provided the Golf Pro report and update. In summary the golf rounds are down at Aspen Hills. As of August 17th, the 4,043 rounds played are down 8 % over last year. At Cedar Creek the rounds are also down 22% from this time last year with 7,537 rounds played to date. Overall golf income is also down about 28% from this time last year. As we move through August and into September, the number of golf rounds begins to drastically slow down as people leave for the winter and school begins. A discussion was held regarding further reducing of green fees after labor day this year. The golf committee discussed the remaining tournaments for the 2010 season and also discussed a post tournament analysis after each major event for lessons learned and a review of the financial tournament recap. Kirk Sessions, Randy King and Gary Braun will begin doing these.
Randy pointed out we have just 2 to 4 weeks remaining for some of the snow birds and just 8 to 10 weeks before the snow flies and courses close. Merchandise sales from the slow golf season also reflects a downward trend in pro shop sales, down 45% from last year. Sales are planned for this fall to reduce inventory. The Member Guest/Open Invitational Tournament grossed $12,338 this year and the Womens Invitational grossed $5,520. Tournaments remaining are the Mr and Mrs tournament, the men and womens club championships and the Pro Am tournament scheduled Sept 3rd. Randy also reported the 2011 annual Maverick retail store chain has booked times for its next years golf tournament at Cedar Creek.
4. Marketing Plan: Bonnie Johnson passed out the Marketing Strategies Report she and her Golf Sub-committee developed. We reviewed and briefly discussed this report as an overall golf committee. This plan/report represents the first formal attempt at a marketing plan for the Star Valley Ranch Association and is intended for next years use and revenue improvement in these challenging times. The report deals not only with golf but with many of the other recreational activities on the Ranch. This sub committee included: Bonnie- Chairman, Donna Thompson, Bob Manning, Bob Lujan and Kathy Dietz.
**Action item for the balance of the golf committee is to now review this first marketing plan and submit any additions you can identify to Bonnie and the SVRA Office for incorporation and further discussion at the Sept golf committee meeting, Sept 16th.
5. Golf Policy review and update: Gary reviewed with the golf committee the first 2 ½ pages of the golf policies and discussed needed changes. These will be updated and the balance, 2 ½ pages, of the golf policies discussed in the Sept golf committee meeting.
6. Golf Financial performance: Kirk handed out a two page summary comparing the 2010 golf season with last year. I’ve attached this document to the minutes FYI/Reference.
7. Meeting was adjourned at 5:45PM.
Next scheduled golf meeting is Thursday September 16th @ 4:00PM in the Silo, second floor.
Respectfully submitted, Gary Braun, Golf Committee Co-Chairman and Golf Director SVRA. August 28th, 2010.